Climate Emergency - What the Parish Council is Doing

A Climate Emergency

Following the lead set by Hampshire County Council, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council and some local parishes, the Parish Council has adopted a paper entitled A Climate Emergency.


 This is a copy of the slides used in the introductory talk given by the Parish Council at the public meeting held on November 13th.




Energy Alton are a community group that provide a range of services including thermal surveys in their local area. They have produced a booklet discussing how low energy heating and insulation can be implemented in a variety of types of housing.



 This is a copy of the slides used by Alison Zyrecky in her talk given at the public meeting in Lychpit Hall on November 13th. Alison discusses the initiatives planned and underway in Overton.

Sustainable Overton's website can be found at:

Online Courses

A series of FREE online green skills courses have been created and are available through the Innovation South Virtual Campus (ISVC) learning platform []. The courses are designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge, and include these topics:

  • Carbon Literacy
  • Introduction to Domestic Retrofitting
  • Introduction to Retrofit Technologies
  • Introduction to Sustainable Resource Management
  • Water Conservation Technologies
  • Tree Planting and Climate Change

A number of local colleges across Hampshire and Surrey are also providing free training opportunities for businesses working with electric and hybrid vehicles and renewable energy technologies such as heat pumps and solar.

The colleges participating in the project are Sparsholt College, Andover College, Basingstoke College of Technology, Alton College, Farnborough College of Technology, Merrist Wood College, Brooklands College, North East Surrey College of Technology and East Surrey College.