Basingstoke Foodbank fed more than 8,ooo people throughout 2023 and this year it looks as if numbers will be fairly similar, this is almost double the numbers compared to 5 years ago.  However, we know that hunger is not a food problem, it is a money problem, and so we work to not only provide food, but a whole host or wrap around support too to help individuals and families move out of hardship and financial struggle.  

We rely solely on donations, so thank you so much for the part you are playing in supporting people in your neighbourhood, they couldn’t manage without you.

Client: ‘Basingstoke Foodbank has been such a blessing to me and my family at this point in life where things are really hard for us. We appreciate the lovely support from the volunteers. They’re absolute life savers. Thank you.’

This event will be free to attend.
Please help us to support the work of Basingstoke Foodbank by kindly making a donation in one of the buckets or online.

With thanks and best wishes for a very Happy Christmas!