Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council confirm making of the Neighbourhood Plan

BD NP Letter

To read the full letter, click on the image above.

Neighbourhood Plan for Old Basing and Lychpit

Basingstoke and Deane’s draft Local Plan sets out how they want to see development proceed up to 2029. It proposes at least 550 houses in the parish over this period, at Swing Swang Lane and east of Pyotts Hill. All large development comes with challenges, like the desire to maintain the special character of the parish, its landscape, its environment, our close-knit community and rich heritage, while avoiding exacerbating problems of traffic, transport and demands on important local facilities.


The final version of the Neighbourhood Plan is now available and can be viewed here.  Hard copies are available to view at Old Basing Health Centre, Old Basing Village Hall, Chineham Library and Basingstoke Discovery Centre.  Electronic copies are also available on the Basinga and Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council websites.  

This is the last opportunity for residents to have their say on the Neighbourhood Plan so please be sure to vote on 7 June.

Final Consultation is now under way. Please see the section below for the relevant documents and the timescale

Old Basing and Lychpit can make its voice heard in the Local Plan by producing a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.

The Parish Council has started its Neighbourhood Plan by involving residents, businesses and organisations to establish policies to achieve a vision. We cannot override the Local Plan but we can stipulate policies to see the parish develop so that protects what is best about our parish and moves to solve the problems created by development. The Neighbourhood Plan will have statutory powers alongside the Local Plan, to refine development and its impacts.

How will the Neighbourhood Plan be put together?

Firstly, we will ask the people what they value about the parish and what concerns they have. We are starting with exhibitions to make clear what the Local Plan means for us and to seek residents’ views. This will enable us to create a vision of the parish for 2029 when the Local Plan lapses. The pictures shown here are displays from the exhibitions we are holding. A Neighbourhood Plan gives us all – residents, businesses, clubs and organisations – a voice in the how development happens. It also gives us increased facilities through the Community Investment Levy for infrastructure associated with development, things like play areas, cycleways and footpaths and the like.
After that we can focus on details to develop policies for the Neighbourhood Plan. Finally the draft Neighbourhood Plan will go to Basingstoke and Deane Council. They will examine the Neighbourhood Plan with an independent Examiner before it comes back to the parish in a referendum for adoption.
Further reports will follow as we progress. For more information, contact the parish Office.

Submission Documents

The Neighbourhood Plan is now ready for Submission. The final round of consultation and the submission to the Examiner is handled by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. We will post details of this process as they become known. The documents to support this round of consultation can be found by using the links below, the previous rounds and supporting documents are further down the page

Submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan can be found here.

The Old Basing and Lychpit Conditions Statement is here.

The Neighbourhood Plan Area Map is here.

The Consultation statement is here.

The Borough Council Regulation 14 comments are here, and the responses from the team are here.

Finally the submission of the plan to the Borough Council letter is here.

Following further inspection by the Borough Council they have asked to add an Equality Impact Assessment which can be found here. 

The Borough Council has confirmed that the Plan is compliant and this check is found here/  And the covering letter to the Parish here.

As detailed in this letter consultation is now under way and will run until 4pm on Monday 11th December 2017.

Monday 11 December 2017

Village Design Statement

Village Design Statement Front Cover

Click on the image to view larger

Declaration of Result of Poll

The result of the Referendum was a resounding YES in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan. This will now go to a Borough Council meeting on 19 July where the plan will be “made”.

Click here to view the result.